How to Apply

In order to become a member of our cooperative, you must demonstrate that:

  • You have the financial means to afford the full housing charge.
  • You understand and support the principles of the cooperative movement, cooperative living and non-profit organizations, including actively participating in committee work.
  • You pass a credit check and have good landlord references.

In order to apply to become a member you must:

  1. Attend an information session at which time you will be given an application form, please note we do not accept application forms from people who have not attended an information session first.
  2. Complete and submit the application form.
  3. Pass our financial verification process which includes a credit check, a reference check, and proof of employment and income.
  4. Pass a landlord check.
  5. Be interviewed by the Membership Committee to determine your suitability for membership in our Cooperative.
  6. Upon recommendation of the Membership Committee after a successful interview, be approved by the Board of Directors.

This process is much shorter and simpler than it appears!